
Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020 online on October 14, 2020

Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020 online on October 14, 2020

On October 14, 2020, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) will jointly hold a special event concerning the Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting online. The meeting will be held online from the viewpoint of preventing expansion of the novel coronavirus disease. It will provide an opportunity for participants to share efforts for producing and utilizing hydrogen in member countries, aiming to continue to maintain and expand the global momentum for building a hydrogen-based society. Participants will strive to further strengthen international collaboration.

Hydrogen contributes to diversifying the structures of energy supply and also has the potential to become a dynamo to achieve dramatic low carbonization in society. These expectations for hydrogen as a key technology to energy transitions and decarbonization have been attracting great attention worldwide.

The Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting was held for the first time in Japan in 2018 as an opportunity for member countries to encourage countries worldwide to promote global-level utilization of hydrogen and to further consolidate collaboration among member countries in a harmonious manner. At the first meeting, member countries released the Tokyo Statement under which they shared the importance of international collaboration, including harmonization of regulations and standards and promotion of international joint research.

The 2020 meeting will be held as a special online event in light of current expansion of the novel coronavirus disease. Aiming to continue to maintain and expand the global momentum for achieving a hydrogen-based society, the 2020 meeting will be held as an opportunity for sharing member countries’ efforts for building a hydrogen-based society and participants will strive to further strengthen international collaboration.

You can find the program here:

The event is scheduled from 18:30 - 22:10 (JST) / 09:30-13:10 (UTC)

The Technology Collaboration Programme on the Research, Development and Demonstration on Advanced Fuel Cells (Advanced Fuel Cells Technology Collaboration Programme, AFC TCP) functions within a framework created by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The activities of the AFC TCP are coordinated by the IEA’s Working Party on Energy End-use Technologies (EUWP). Views, findings and publications of the AFC TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or of its individual member countries.