Experts from the world of fuel cells, from member countries, organizations or companies that have joined the Technology Collaboration Program on Advanced Fuel Cells are welcome to contact the Task manager for the Task or the Secretary to enquire about joining our work. We welcome new participants.
Companies and Organizations
Companies and Organizations may join the work of the Technology Collaboration Program on Advanced Fuel Cells in two ways. If their country is already a member then their experts may participate in the work of the Tasks. Please contact the Task Manager or the Secretary for more information of how to become involved in the Task work.
Alternatively, companies and organizations can join the Technology Collaboration Program on Advanced Fuel Cells in their own right, as sponsoring organizations, an ideal way to join if the country is not currently a member, or to gain a presence on the Executive Committee. Please contact the Secretary for more information on joining our work in this way.
Where a country is already a member of the Technology Collaboration Program on Advanced Fuel Cells, they will be represented on the Executive Committee. We invite interested parties to contact either their national representative or the Secretary for information on joining the Task work.
Where a country is not yet a member, we welcome new members. Please contact the Secretary for more information. Membership of a country will allow experts from all national organizations, academic institutions and companies to potentially become active in the Task work, and for a national representative, or several, to be present on the Executive Committee.